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Caterina Tosi

Make up artist,

Nail artist

Makeup artist con base in Italia ma con il cuore a New York . Ho vissuto un anno a New nel 2011, dove ho scoperto quanto mi piacesse il trucco . Una volta tornata in Italia decisi di iscrivermi in una scuola di make-up a Bologna ( Art&makeupschool) e dopo un anno presi il diploma . Attualmente lavoro come nail artist e makeup artist in un negozio di parrucchiera. Ora sono qui per mostrarvi che cosa significa per me la bellezza.

Makeup artist based in Italy , but with heart in New York. I have lived in New York for a year in 2011 , where I discovered how much I love makeup. As I came back to Italy I decided to start a makeup school in Bologna (Art&makeupschool) and after one year I got my diploma . I actually work as a nail artist and makeup artist in a hairdresser’s shop . I’m here to show you what it’s beauty to me .

+39 3405545355

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